{"id":21590,"date":"2022-06-29T12:44:29","date_gmt":"2022-06-29T02:44:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/explorecareers.com\/?p=21590"},"modified":"2022-06-29T13:27:29","modified_gmt":"2022-06-29T03:27:29","slug":"employee-well-being-is-a-key-component-to-pratt-industries-work-culture","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/explorecareers.com\/employee-well-being-is-a-key-component-to-pratt-industries-work-culture\/","title":{"rendered":"Employee Well-Being is a Key Component to Pratt Industries\u2019 Work Culture"},"content":{"rendered":"Reading Time: <\/span> 4<\/span> minutes<\/span><\/span>

One of Pratt Industries\u2019 guiding principles is to hire the best people and provide an environment where they can thrive and succeed.<\/p>\n

According to Anthony Pratt, executive global chairman,\u201cPratt operates under four key principles and one of them is to look after our best people. When we started Pratt more than 30 years ago, we knew that to become a leader in the industry, we would need to recruit and retain top talent; and that is exactly what we strive to do every day.\u201d<\/p>\n

To accomplish this, Pratt understands it is important to offer benefits that go beyond the individual employee to encourage family health and community well-being.<\/p>\n

Employee Well-being<\/h2>\n

A recent Gallup poll of more than 13,000 U.S. employees found that a majority believe work-life balance and personal well-being are very important.* We agree and have created a suite of benefits and programs to promote the physical, mental and emotional well-being of our employees and their families.<\/p>\n

Pratt offers a robust health benefits package that begins on the first of the month after an employee\u2019s hire date. This quick start to medical benefits alleviates many of the stressors employees often have when changing jobs and companies. While many organizations require a waiting period of 30 or more days, Pratt\u2019s medical benefits do not.<\/p>\n

Additionally, Pratt offers a Healthy Lifestyles program that incentivizes and encourages healthy choices. Employees may receive reimbursements for a variety of eligible wellness expenses, including gym memberships, fitness apps and health trackers. Employees may also receive company paid contributions to their health savings accounts (HSAs).<\/p>\n

\u201cPratt is a stable company that has afforded me years of job security,\u201d said Mark Schumaker, Supervisor at Pratt Albert Lea, MN Converting. \u201cThey truly care about you as an employee and provide excellent benefits and the opportunity to learn new skills.\u201d.<\/p>\n

Pratt also recognizes the importance of time off to relax, recharge and spend time with family and friends. Employees are eligible for company paid holidays on their first day of employment and personal paid time off begins after six months of employment.<\/p>\n

Safety Matters<\/h2>\n

At Pratt, we realize that in order for our employees to be productive, happy and successful, they need a safe environment in which to work. That is why we instill a strong commitment to safety amongst all of our team members, from general managers to hourly employees and throughout all levels of the organization.<\/p>\n

However, safety doesn\u2019t stop at work. We regularly encourage safety practices at home through reminders, tips and safety items to be shared, such as sunscreen and first aid travel kits for summer vacations.<\/p>\n

\u201cAt Pratt, safety is at the core of what we do,\u201d said Ryan Peart, Safety Director. \u201cBy following our key principles, we ensure that our organization operates safely and efficiently. More importantly, we ensure that our employees have the ability to work in a safe, productive environment. We also encourage employees to take safety practices home and try to do a few fun things each year to promote safety away from work.\u201d<\/p>\n

Community Support and Health<\/h2>\n

Pratt understands that complete health and happiness goes beyond our work and personal circles to include the communities in which we live and work. From food, bookbag and toy drives to sponsoring local institutions and non-profits, Pratt employees are excited and inspired by ongoing efforts of leaders and team members to support the local communities they love and the people within who need a little extra help.<\/p>\n

\u201cVolunteering has been a life-changing experience for me. It\u2019s an amazing feeling when you know you are helping others in need,\u201d said Sergio Espinal, production lead, at Pratt Staten Island, NY Corrugator. \u201cThe greatest part is that Pratt supports volunteering. Our plant held a coat and winter clothes drive for the nonprofit where I volunteer.\u201d<\/p>\n

One Pratt. One Team.<\/h2>\n

Pratt employees often share that while they love the work they do, it is the people of Pratt that make the organization such a wonderful place to work.\u00a0 According to Allison Jepsen, plant manager at Pratt Rockwall, TX Corrugator, \u201cPratt is more than just a place of employment for me. It is family. Every day, I am surrounded by people who I care about and who care about me.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u201cPratt does a great job of making you feel valued, no matter what your level of position. I have had conversations with senior leaders in my division, where I truly felt heard and valued,\u201d said Jessica Jordan, sales representative at Pratt Richmond, VA Converter. \u201cHaving leaders who listen is so important because it encourages everyone to speak up and share their thoughts, which helps our company continue to grow.\u201d<\/p>\n

With an ever changing and competitive market place, Pratt Industries strives to provide our employees with a variety of resources that benefit employees, their families and the communities they love. To learn more about opportunities at Pratt, visit Careers.PrattIndustries.com.<\/a><\/p>\n


*\u201cThe Top 6 Things Employees Want In Their Next Job,\u201d Gallup Survey: https:\/\/www.gallup.com\/workplace\/389807\/top-things-employees-next-job.aspx<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n


Pratt Industries provides equal employment [and affirmative action] opportunities to applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability.<\/em><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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