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Proactive vs. Reactive Goal Setting: What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter?

27 July 2022   |   by Explore Careers
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Setting a goal sounds simple right? You think of something you want to achieve, make it a goal, and then smash it outta the park – right?

Well, yes – and no. 

We’ve been guilty of setting reactive goals instead of proactive ones – learning the difference between the two has been a total game-changer!

If you’ve been struggling with the whole ‘life goals’ thing, learning if you’re setting reactive or proactive goals might help you set the right goals and achieve success. 

What Are Reactive Goals?

There’s no hard definition of reactive goals, but here’s how we think about them:

  1. They’re goals you make in response to a challenge or crisis that has already happened: This usually means you’re working backward to start moving forwards. 

For example:

You miss a work experience opportunity because you didn’t set a reminder to get your application in on time. You set a goal to apply when the opportunity comes up again, but that’s not until next year – so you lose time and a chance to get some experience on your resume and be ready to apply for part-time work.

  1. They’re goals that someone else sets for you: Meaning you’re probably not very passionate or invested in achieving them. 

For example:

You can’t decide what career/s you’re interested in. Your teacher and/or parents decide for you and start pushing towards applying for work experience and choosing subjects in an area you aren’t passionate about.

As you can tell – reactive goals won’t help you progress towards what you really want to achieve in life.

What Are Proactive Goals?

Proactive goal setting is putting yourself in the driver’s seat and deciding where you want to go! 

Being proactive means thinking through the actions, activities, and processes you need to achieve the goals important to you. Proactive goal-setting helps you set stepping stones in place for future you.

How Do You Set a Proactive Goal?

Proactive goals should focus on:

  • The career roles or jobs you want to do.
  • The pathway you want to take to get there (apprenticeship, university, or working your way up).
  • Personal things you want to achieve (learning to drive, purchasing a car, moving out of home, etc.)

Once you have the end outcome you want to achieve, you can map backward to find the achievement points along the way and decide your proactive goals around these. 

It’s totally fine to change your mind. Proactive goals aren’t about being rigid but helping you make the right moves towards the version of your future you think is right for you.

3 Excellent Proactive Goals to Make Now

To get started with proactive goals, you can use the ‘Big Picture’ ideas outlined above and set one goal for each of these areas. Here’s what that might look like generally:

  • My Dream Job Goal

Setting a ‘My Dream Job’ goal is great because there are many ways to start working towards it that don’t require too much time or energy! 

It’s easy to build on over time, and even if you change your mind, you’ll still be learning a lot about what makes a job ideal for you. 

Some smaller goals you can set around this one include:

  • The best subjects to study in your high school years and after school.
  • Research companies in your local area and nationally that offer the jobs you’re interested in.
  • Research the top skills needed to get into your dream job.
  • The types of activities you can do to build the required skills (work experience, volunteering, helping out in the community, etc.)

The more you set smaller goals around this one, the more you’ll undoubtedly find to add along the way!

  • My Perfect Growth Journey Goal

Thinking about your next steps after school, what speaks to you? Is it going to college or doing an apprenticeship? This one can focus on how you like to learn and grow. 

Maybe you want to take a break from studying, focus entirely on work experience and see a bit of the world by traveling. Perhaps you want to do some internships before committing to study further.

You can use the ways you like to learn now as jumping-off points – are you a solo study person, or do you prefer group projects? What are your favorite subjects, and why do you enjoy them so much – how are you learning?

Whatever your perfect growth journey looks like, many goals can be made to help you work towards it – and they can start now!

  • My Happy Place Goal

‘My Happy Place’ goals revolve around your vision for your life and how you’d like to live it.

When you think about your future and how your life will look? Will there be travel? Working locally or internationally? Owning a house on your own or renting with friends?

You can use proactive goal setting to start making small steps towards these things. Even doing something simple like opening a savings account and committing to putting away $1 a week will add up over the years and help you work towards whatever your goals are.

An Easy Way to Plan Your Proactive Goals

Setting proactive goals can take time, but it’s an investment in your future. 

Why not pick one goal you want to focus on for the rest of the year and see how much you can achieve! 

Our FREE Careers Quiz is an excellent place to start with your My Dream Job – check it out today to see what jobs might suit you – and then start planning some goals to work towards!


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